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make up的用法

2020-06-15 17:11英语学习
关键字: 英语学习 make up
make up的用法:1.make up sth for sth;2.make up doing sth。make up的含义有编造、讲和,弥补、偿还等。 1、 make up几个含义及用法 (1)编、编造。其宾语通常为故事、诗歌、借口一类的名词。 The teach…

make up的用法:1.make up sth for sth;2.make up doing sth。make up的含义有编造、讲和,弥补、偿还等。

make up的用法

1、make up几个含义及用法


The teacher asked the students to make up a poem about Christmas.

Not having a good excuse, Sally made one up.


John must make up the work he missed.

Because you were ill, you’ll have to make up the final exam.

We have to drive fast to make up the hour we lost in Boston.


Nine players make up a team.

Different qualities make up a person’s character.

The audience was made up of very young children.


The actors were making (themselves) up when we arrived.

These days many girls make up when they are still quite young.


The toy cost a dollar and Ted only had fifty cents, so Father made up the difference.

We need one more player --- will you make the number?





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